

 秋田市の皆様、こんにちは!キクチ タダオ(菊地 格夫)と申します。



 秋田大学卒業後に、JICA(独立行政法人国際協力機構)青年海外協力隊に参加し、中米コスタリカへ派遣されました。 帰国後には、仕事をしながらNGO(海外の課題を中心に取り組む活動を行う非営利団体)を設立し、ネパールの孤児院への支援や東日本大震災時の石巻市立湊小学校(避難所)への支援、そのほか様々な市民活動を行ってきました




Hello everyone in Akita City! My name is Tadao Kikuchi.

I was born in Akita City in 1974 and now live in Araya Matsumigaoka Kitacho, Akita City. I’m 48 years old (born in the year of the Tiger) and have a family of four, including my wife and two daughters.

When I was in the fourth grade of elementary school, I was shocked by a photo of a Bolivian beggar girl in a small newspaper column, and since then I have wanted to work for someone in need.

After graduating from Akita university, I participated in the JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers and was sent to Costa Rica in Central America. After returning home, I founded an NGO and have been involved in various civic activities, such as supporting an orphanage in Nepal and supporting Minato Elementary School in Ishinomaki City (an evacuation center) during the Great East Japan Earthquake.

Later, I was assigned to Costa Rica again as a JICA expert and worked for five years on a project to protect the natural environment of a wildlife conservation area by involving residents (Biodiversity Conservation Promotion Project). However, I wanted to repay Akita, where I was raised, so I joined the Akita Prefectural Government after returning home. At the Akita Prefectural Government, I was assigned to the Akita Future Strategy Division, Future Youth and Women’s Empowerment Division, and Local and Residential Welfare Division. I have been responsible for hometown tax, medium to long-term planning, childcare support, network building for childcare support organizations, management of childcare support information website, and foster care system.

Now, I am determined to work for Akita from a political standpoint.

Thank you very much for your cooperation!
