政策 Policy

 政治課題としての取り組み項目 以下の項目に取り組んで行きたいと考えております。




























・リメンバー イザベラバード 


We would like to work on the following items as political initiatives:

<Community Development with Citizen Participation>

  • Approach through participatory methods

We will create a mechanism to discover and solve regional issues using a “participatory approach” that allows many citizens to participate and provide various opinions, rather than just picking up the voices of some speakers.

[Regular salon or café events for exchanging opinions, events and workshops for young people, including students, to consider social issues, political participation approaches for junior and senior high school students, and development and support of facilitator personnel.]

<Creation of a system for DX and transparent information disclosure>

  • Approach through ICT (Information and Communication Technology) and DX (Digital Transformation)

We will thoroughly promote information disclosure and transparency and ensure thorough provision of open data.

[Organizing reporting meetings, disseminating information through social media, developing civic engineers who work on social problem-solving, providing broadband access in places where citizens can freely access it, verifying the cost-effectiveness of measures, and posting systems for regional issues]

<Community Development with Pride in the Local Area>

  • Approach to creating the future and re-recognizing the rich natural environment

We will create a mechanism that makes residents proud and eager to boast about the area they live in, aiming to break free from the curse of thinking that there is nothing in Akita City.

[Participatory workshops to create Akita’s future (for junior and senior high school students), community building that declares biodiversity (registered with the Biodiversity Municipalities Network), and increasing access to the natural environment using apps]

<Rich Community Development>

  • Approach to support for the elderly

We will build a system to ensure that people can live healthily in the era of a 100-year life, and create a mechanism that allows for diverse activities by improving preventive medicine.

[Improvement and verification of preventive medicine, diverse work styles]

  • Approach to supporting child-rearing

We will support household finances and work environments so that people can feel safe and secure about giving birth and raising children.

[Support for child-rearing organizations, review of medical expense burden criteria, one-coin bus fare for high school students, free distribution of garbage bags, and promotion of foster parent systems]

<Multicultural Coexistence and People-friendly Community Development>

  • Approach to supporting diversity and multiculturalism

We will promote mutual understanding and interaction to create a society that accepts diversity.

[Understanding diversity lectures, support for foreign residents, multicultural coexistence lectures, opportunities for multicultural exchange, and discussions on the participation of foreigners in local government]

  • Approach to supporting people with disabilities

We will promote a community-building that considers people with disabilities and encourage mutual understanding and interaction.

[Facility development, social participation support for people with disabilities, support for the employment of people with disabilities, and creating an environment where people with disabilities can work actively.]


・Remember Isabella Bird

We will create a clear direction for inbound tourism. We imagine a reincarnation of the explorer Isabella Bird (approaching the niche market that seeks remote areas) and shift our mindset from “we have to make it convenient because it’s inconvenient” to “it’s good because it’s inconvenient.”